August 2011
Aug 1-15, XXXIII Festival Internacional de Música de Camara (International Chamber Music Festival), San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. A classical music festival to bid farewell to the summer, featuring award-winning international ensembles, guest musicians and local artists performing in the city’s beautiful open gardens or grand gothic cathedral. Considered the top chamber music festival in...

Spanish Slang
¡Aguas, aguas! An expression, literally, “Water, water!”, yelled to get someone’s attention, meaning: “Heads Up!”, “Watch Out!” Origen: Yelled by chamber maids, during colonial times, to warn pedestrians below that they were about to empty the contents of a chamber pot (waters) onto the street from the balconies above.

April 2011
Apr 1-11, CXXVI La Feria de la Nieve (126th Annual Snow Fair), Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco. This fair has its roots from pre-Hispanic times. At Tlatelolco, the Aztec’s main market, noble warriors, lords and maidens came to get the goods and products more varied. Amongst the strange and exotic products was the nieve (snow), it was...