ZIGF annouces 2013 lineup
The 10th Annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival is pleased to announce our 2013 line-up of invited artists. Musicians will be traveling to our idyllic beachside town from Mexico, the US, Canada, Poland, Spain, India, Cuba and Japan! Chakrapani from India (2013) The passionate and sensitive guitarist Chakrapani is one of the generation’s brightest stars with...
International Real Estate Spotlight Shines on Mexico
The National Association of Realtors® has announced a new program to Spotlight A level affiliated, premium countries. During the first year (2013) the Spotlight will be on Mexico. Australia will be in the Spotlight in 2014 and Canada in 2015. What does it mean? Below are just a few of the features of the Spotlight...
AMPI’s 41st Annual Conference – a Huge Success
The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) recently held its annual, conference and trade show in Guadalajara and Tequila. Those attending called it a “HUGE” success. The word HUGE could refer to the number attending. Nearly 900 came to Jalisco for the event. There were educational events, social events, a trade show, the Annual...

Mexico Realtors get recognition at NAR conference in Orlando, Florida
This year the United States´ real estate association, National Association of Realtors (NAR) created a new award category; International REALTOR® Member of the Year. The award is designed to recognize and honor international members who embody REALTOR® spirit. Recipients of this award go above and beyond; they volunteer their time to the Association and help...
Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico’s newly elected president, addresses the nation
Enrique Peña Nieto: The continuing global economic slowdown has taken its toll on world development, severely affecting most advanced economies. According to the International Labour Organisation, 600m productive jobs will have to be created around the world over the next decade in order to generate sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion. Whereas growth in...
41st Annual AMPI Conference – preliminary report
While the 41st Annual Conference of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI), this year in Guadalajara, does not officially start until tomorrow, many preliminary events are already underway. This includes several education courses. Meetings of the National Advisory Board, the Presidents of Sections and the Regional Coordinators. Yesterday, Linda Neil and Mercy Duenas...

Ofrendas of the Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico, Nov 1 and 2, it is a holiday of great significance in Mexican culture. Families honor their loved ones who have passed on, with alters and offerings in their homes and in cemeteries. It is a time, not of sadness, but of joy and happiness because it...

El Tajin
Tajín was one of the most important cities of ancient Mexico, and as more studies are made the more important it appears to have been. Located on the Gulf coast of Mexico in the state of Veracruz, Tajin was a pre-Hispanic city that reached its peak in the Epi-Classic period (in between the Classic...

Mexico Resort Real Estate Update
Welcome to our Third Quarter Newsletter. As I write this, there are major political problems around the world and the global economy continues on a rather bumpy road. The International Monetary Fund is working on bailouts and in the United States; The Federal Reserve Board has announced action and will spend $ 40 Billion a...

Mosaic Murals of the UNAM Central Library
Nowhere is Mexico´s love of their pre-Hispanic heritage more apparent than in the stunning central library of the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), in the southern part of Mexico City. Ten stories tall, the building is covered in its entirety by mosaic stone murals depicting the history of Mexico. The building was built by...
Retiring in Mexico, big topic at San Miguel event
San Miguel de Allende was the location of two successful real estate events, recently. Day one was sponsored by AMAR (Retirement Community Association). Javier Govi made the key note speech to an audience of over 80. Among those attending were architects, investors, developers, some from the medical and related industries (I sat next to the...

An exciting start to a bold new Cultural Calendar for Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
All Photos by Arte Visual / www.emartevisual.com 2013 marks the ten year anniversary of the Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival, and in its continuing efforts to do more for Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, the festival has recently embarked on an ambitious plan to provide year-round programming. Zi-Guitar Fest AC, the non-profit association behind the guitar festival, will be...