Travelling Mexico – Copper Canyon
They say the Copper Canyon (Barranca del Cobre) is four times the size of America’s Grand Canyon. And if you judge the size by the length of the train ride through it, I’d put it at a good 10 times larger. Barranca del Cobre consists of 20 canyons and some of the most spectacular scenery in...
Architecture and Accents – Adobe and Bamboo
Ancient Babylonians, ancient Egyptians and Native American cultures of North and South America have all used adobe…” If you are planning on building your dream home here in Zihuatanejo or are just curious about local architectural materials, adobe bricks top the list. Adobe is Spanish for a sun-dried brick or the clay soil from which the brick is made....
Obituary – Paul Miller
Paul Miller, 44, passed away Thursday February 3rd in an automobile accident near Mexico City. Paul, affectionately known here in Zihuatanejo as “Texas Paul” is survived by his loving wife Lola, his mother and 6 brothers and sisters. Paul’s generosity and great smile will be missed greatly but not forgotten. Drink one for Paul.
Day trips from Zihuatanejo – Petatlán, just an hour away
“…hundreds of thousands from all over Mexico come to visit the church for it is a well known pilgrimage site.” If you get bored with the beach scene of Zihuatanejo or Ixtapa and are in need of a diversion for a day, jump aboard a bus to Petatlán (petlatl and tlan), meaning the place of...
Partying in Paradise, night life in Zihua
“Three places in town offer the adventurous or the drunk enough the chance to jump up and relive those singing in the shower scenes in public.” Most people who come to Z. come to enjoy the sun, surf, and sand. But I actually think most of the fun in town starts after the sun is...
Remember Bob?
A short article appeared about Bob (Or boB if you spell his name backwards), Zihuatanejo’s real one-winged pelican, in the December issue of Another Day in Paradise. Since then, we haven’t seen nor heard anything of him! Maybe that’s because everyone’s been looking for him in the wrong places… Fortunately, though, the situation could be...
Animal Updates
No one has any Bob sightings. Where’s Bob? Did we curse him? Is he in hiding, retreating from the spotlight? Did he take off to visit some cousin in Acapulco? No one’s seen him and we’re getting a little worried, so any Bob sightings please let us know. (Bob-the one winged pelican that is, not...
Zihua Cures
“Scorpion bites – find the bugger that got you, pinch off his tail and eat him.” We have all heard the old saying ‘starve a fever, feed a cold’ (or, is it the other way around?). And, as you can imagine, here in this area, there are many cures and sayings. Trying to research all...
At the movies- The World is Not Enough
“The chase scenes are exciting thrill-a-minute rides on cars, boats, hot air balloons, snow-mobiles and skis.” He’s back, not Jack, James. Bond, James Bond. 007, special agent on her Majesty’s Secret Service and this time his mission is to save the damsel in distress. Oh, and by performing this duty, he might just save the...
Beachside Beauty Basics (or… Beauty and the Beach)
…beauty is a serious business in the tropics, so there’s no excuse not to look your best!” Now you’ve arrived in paradise and shed your layers ready to reveal that winter white body to all and sundry, its time to do something about that flaky skin, those cracked & yellow feet and excess winter fuzz....
The Secret Spots – Al Cilantro
“She makes a special use of her own home grown cilantro and other spices, which lead to a delicate and savory meal.” This restaurant is definitely a secret spot. Located directly behind Casa Bonita in Ixtapa, on Las Palomas right off of Las Golondrinas in Club de Golf. The restaurant is actually a bed and...
Local Water Sports Guide – Diving
“Huge manta rays are regularly seen, along with eagle, electric and sting rays.” Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa is not exactly ‘on the map,’ as for as diving goes. The main reason for this is that the visibility is not always great, like the more famous places. But don’t let this put you off. The diving here can be...