Centro Educacional Para Proteccion de las Animales
“Rebeca’s hope is one day to have a park and animal sanctuary where families can come children and learn about the animals of Mexico.” There is never a dull moment at the Centro Educacional Para Protección de las Animales, a non profit animal sanctuary for abandoned and injured animals in Zihuatanejo, run by Rebeca and Richard...
On Leaving Paradise…
“The market here in Zihuatanejo had become for me, very common. The smells and the arrangement went unnoticed.” Two years is a long time to spend away from home. Home being your home country, your native language, your native customs, and your own bed. But I have been in paradise for roughly two years, and the time...

Volume 1 – Issue 7 April 2000
April 2000 This is the final issue of our first season. Keep checking our web site for summer updates. On Leaving Paradise… Two years is a long time to spend away from home. Home being your home country, your native language, your native customs, and your own bed. But I have been in paradise for...

Volume 1 – Issue 6 March 2000
March 2000 Another Day in Paradise – call for Submissions Another day in Paradise is seeking photos and all manner of article contributions in a variety of topics relating to the Zihuatanejo area and/or Mexico. Possible topics range from: Art (regional, national) Architecture (regional, tropical), Travel, Food (cooking, recipes, tropical drinks), History (archeological to recent),...
Daytrips – La Union: a Perfect Town to Hide
Overstressed? Is the IRS looking for you? Need to chill? Then La Union is for you. Located 90 minutes north/northeast of Zihuatanejo by bus, this sleepy silent town of 6,000 souls is the county seat of the Municipio de La Union de Isidoro Montes de Oca. The county is the union of 140 villages. The...
Beach Reading – Dead Lagoon
“This is a murder mystery covered in delicious Venetian icing.” Dead Lagoon by Michael Dibdin “When the man in white appeared, blocking his path, Giancomo felt a brief surge of relief at the thought that he was no longer alone. Then he remembered where he was, and terror rose in his throat like vomit. He forced himself...
At the movies – Oscar Preview
I’ve only seen one but no need to worry, it seems an obvious choice to me (wanna bet?).” The 72nd Annual Academy Awards are coming up this month (Sunday March 26, 2000, 5:00 PST) and as usual this time of year, the media buzz is deafening. Well, at least in America, that is. If you’re...
Noteworthy News for the gringos at large
“For those of you don’t know, CANACO, the Zihua Chamber of Commerce puts out a free telephone book of all their member businesses…” Results are in from the county fair held here in Zihuatanejo Jan. 26th-Feb. 6th. 120,000 people came, up from 86,000 just 2 years ago. With rides, games, food, live music and much...
To Tip or not to Tip-that is the question
So you’re on vacation, drinking in the sun and cervezas. The most problematic thing for you at this stage is Margarita…Piña Colada?… Margarita…Piña Colada? Then the cheque comes, and your fumbling through, figuring out which color pesos to use when a little thought comes creeping in, Do I Tip In Mexico? Well let me take...
Niños Adelante – Children Forward
“Even the smallest thought counts. Boxes of pencils, pens, colors, old school books…everything is put to good use.” Sunday March 12th, Kate and Andrew, the owners of Nirvana Sailing Tours and their friends John and Yvette (Speedy) hosted a fund-raiser for Niños Adelante. People came costumed in their Age of Aquarius costumes and danced and...
Cheeseburgers in Paradise
..but ask for the steak fries if you, like Jimmy Buffet, need some French fried potatoes.” For those of you who are not familiar with the song by Jimmy Buffet, let me help you get up to speed…”I like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes, a big kosher pickle and...
Fishing Report – March 2000
“‘El Soltar’ reported hooking a monster BLACK MARLIN, estimated to exceed 800# on February 7th.” The following is a compilation of the reports received from Stan Lushinsky of Ixtapa Sportfishing Charters, Ed Kunze of Mar y Tierra and Ed Garvis of Whisky Charters. They represent about 1/3 of the totals from the Zihuatanejo fishing fleet....