Letter from the Editor – January 2009
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. You will find no gloom nor doom here. Change, progress, evolution (upheaval, chaos, crisis … depending on your viewpoint) its what’s on everybody’s mind lately…here, there and everywhere. A recent drive around Zihuatanejo bay with friends inspired a conversation about the view from the road, and how...

Alfredo Tapia
The passion of the artist and teacher
When one gets into conversation with Alfredo Tapia, it does not take long to realize how much his work is his life. Not only is he prolific, he has the desire and the gift to impart his knowledge to budding artists. Born, bred and living in Zihuatanejo, he is determined to shape culture in the...

Mexican Cuisine and Wine
A Flavorful and Complicated Union
Castilian Spanish uses the word maridaje (marriage) to talk about the association between a dish and a wine. This word is inspired by the French term mariage, “marriage” in English. As in a marriage between two people, the goal in culinary maridajes is to achieve total harmony. To come to a fair balance we must...

Letter from the Editor – November 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. They say we are living in exponential times and that’s true in ecology as well as technology, in the natural world as well as in the virtual world. But it’s the virtual world, the digital world, that’s really got my head spinning lately. The digital world (the one through...

Zihuatanejo Style
An Introduction
In the 1960s and 1970s when Zihuatanejo first began to attract large amounts of foreign tourists, visitors would find themselves lodging in structures that were built with some combination of adobe, enjrejado (a wall’s skeleton is built with sticks and then filled in with mud and coconut shells, rocks, or other things), and/or huesito (the...

Letter from the Editor – April 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise and welcome to our first ever Eco issue. Everyone is going green, it seems protecting the environment has finally caught on. Two summers ago in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I attended a series of seminars in Houston, Texas, on global warming and especially its effects on water,...

Terrenos Ganados al Mar
Land Gained to the Sea
The following information concerns all beach front lot owners: Recently the environmental authorities have partially released an official and general survey of all Federal Maritime Zones that border the coastal areas of this State. This official survey is only being carried out in the state of Guerrero. It describes the areas known as Terrenos Ganados...

Letter from the Editor – March 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Around here, we tend to shamelessly gush, exude, ooze optimism and positivity about our little piece of paradise. We go on and on, and really it’s not all pep talks and daily affirmations a la Stuart Smalley: I am smart enough, I am good enough, and gosh darn...

2008 Tax Law Update
Flat Tax Law, law on cash deposits tax, and how to legally minimize your Income Tax payment on Capital Gains
Let’s say it once: It is not a matter of avoiding the pain for the pain is inevitable; it is a matter of choosing the consequences of pain. – Maurice Maeterlink, Belgian writer I. Flat Tax Law (IETU) On January 1, 2008, the Flat Tax Law 2008 (Ley del Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Unica or...

Letter from the Editor – February 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Panache: flamboyant confidence of style or manner; a tuft or plume of feathers, especially as a headdress or on a helmet. Parade: a public procession; a boastful or ostentatious display. Paradise: heaven, the ultimate reward of the righteous; an ideal or idyllic place or state; the elusive goal of...