The Aztec Sunstone Calendar
How the Aztecs counted their days teaches how they lived
The Aztecs were the last of the great cultures of Mesoamerica before the European conquests. They continued the traditions of the first of the Mesoamericans who looked into the heavens for ways to live in the good graces of their gods and the universe around them. The Aztecs were an agricultural people that equated religion...
Letter from the Publisher January 2011
Well it’s January, and the beat goes on here in paradise. Perhaps a bit slower beat than in years’ past—we’ll call it a sultry tropical beat. Its feeling all breezy and languid this new year. and as much as we all love to have the town hopping and bustling, I must say I am enjoying...

December 2010
Dec TBA, Rucco Surfer Reunion 2010, Ixtapa. The annual Rucco reunion is a three day event focused on surf and fun at Playa Linda. There will be teams of surfers, all 40 years or older, from Mexico, Texas, California, Florida, and more! Also there will be good food, beverages, music, and more. For more info,...

Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico
Dec 1, 2010–Jan 9, 2011, Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. This is the first West Coast presentation of massive works and small-scale sculptures produced by Mexico’s earliest civilization, which began around 1400 BC and was centered in the Gulf Coast states...

Shattered Glass
Rethinking the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil Collection
Dec 1- 18, Shattered Glass: Rethinking the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil Collection, Americas Society, 680 Park Avenue, New York, NY. Through the study of contemporary art and Mexican high modernist masterpieces in the collection of the Carrillo Gil Museum of Art, the curatorial team reexamines the artworks in a new context relating to the...

Siqueiros Paisajista
Landscapes by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Dec 1, 2010 – Jan 30, 2011, Siqueiros Paisajista/ Siqueiros: Landscape Painter, Museum of Latin American Art, 628 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach, CA. The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) is proud to join the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (MACG), Mexico City, in presenting Siqueiros Paisajista / Siqueiros: Landscape Painter. This exhibition reveals...

In Guanajuato
ANGELITOS…I’ve heard this word referenced in Spanish songs and poetry lyrics. I always assumed the literal translation ‘little angels’ applied, conjuring pretty images…mostly chubby cherubs or wispy waifs with wings growing out of their backs: a metaphor for lofty sweetness and innocence in humans! A visit to El Museo de las Momias in Guanajuato straightened...

Building a Home in Mexico
Construction Phase
Assuming that the proper paperwork for your construction project (license, permits, insurance, etc) has been processed and approved, you are now ready to see some ground-breaking work begin. Here we’ve outlined the general steps you’ll encounter once the construction phase of your project gets underway. Having a better understanding of the overall process will help you...
Letter from the Publisher December 2010
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise! Here we are in December, at the end of another year, at the end of the 1st decade of the 21st century, already! Time flies when you are having fun. Seems like it was only yesterday we were celebrating the millennium on Zihuatanejo Bay, seems it has been nothing...

Capital Gains Tax
On the Sale of Your Vacation Home
Real estate investors always have a lot of questions about income tax on capital gains. Instead of writing an article giving a full explanation of how this tax is calculated, deducted, exempted and paid, I prefer to share with you the most frequently asked questions made by property owners and tax payers. What is the...